Today is the day to start investing in yourself and your future!
Every community needs more affordable housing
Shared Housing is the solution to the need for affordable housing
Unlock this opportunity to financial freedom
Enjoy a constant monthly income stream
Opened & Overated over 20 different Unlicensed Group Homes
Experienced Shared Housing Expert after housing over 30,000 people
Learn how to become a profitable shared housing owner
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Starting a business is not easy; starting a business that helps the homeless and people with drug addictions and mental and physical disabilities can be even harder. It is a rewarding job especially when you hear about success stories.
We believe in searching for a coach that you should make sure they have hands on experience in the business you want to learn. Life is about the relationships we have with people. When we have a client they become a client for life as we want to be there for anyone who is ready to make the investment in themselves and believes in themselves. We will show them how to build a profitable group home with the confidence they need to make it a success. Our clients become part of our community at SOS Housing and we strive to keep the relationships for years to come.